Why the error?

Anyone have any idea why I’m seeing the following exception during a SAMLRequest? What’s the xmlElement it’s looking for?

Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Stack: at ComponentSpace.SAML2.Utility.XmlSignature.IsSigned(XmlElement xmlElement)

Thanks! – Curt

It’s hard to say without more information.
Could you please enable SAML trace and email the generated log file to support@componentspace.com?


Thanks for the reply, ComponantSpace.

Unfortunately, I can’t get what you asked for. I’m a third party SP trying to interface with a ComponantSpace-based IdP - it’s not my IdP… It looks like their app is throwing an exception - unfortunate again, I don’t believe the folks I’m working with have the resources to chase the exception.

I suspect the argument being passed in might be null. I thought if I knew the context of the argument to the method where it’s crashing, it might give me a clue as to what it doesn’t like about my SAML request.


Please suggest to the third party that they contact us directly and we’ll assist with tracking down the issue. Thanks Curt.