Why am I getting "A local identity provider is not configured." - when I am not the Identity Provider

I am acting as an SSO initiated Service Provider. I have configured a LocalServiceProviderConfiguration and multiple PartnerIdentityProviderConfigurations. I am successfully making the InitiateSsoAsync call to the identity provider. When that is complete and succesful, the service provider is getting called (via SAML controller / AssertionConsumerService). However, in the AssertionConsumerService when I execute ReceiveSsoAsync() in the service provider, I am getting an error that the “Local identity provider is not configured”. I don’t understand why I am getting this message since my service provider would not need to have a local identity provider. Can you give me an idea what the problem might be?

My local service provider is using Identity Server. Do I need to add a local identity provider because I am using Identity Server 4 even thought Identity Server is not the identity provider?

2019-05-20 15:33:14.837 -04:00 [DBG] Initiation of SSO to the partner identity provider csidentityprovider has completed successfully.
2019-05-20 15:33:51.004 -04:00 [DBG] The SSO session ID cd35b3e1-2aa0-46b0-aede-dac7a1b9b164 has been retrieved from the saml-session cookie.
2019-05-20 15:33:51.004 -04:00 [DBG] SSO session state is being initialized.
2019-05-20 15:33:51.004 -04:00 [DBG] SSO session state for saml-session-cd35b3e1-2aa0-46b0-aede-dac7a1b9b164-SamlState is being saved to the distributed cache.
2019-05-20 15:33:54.001 -04:00 [DBG] Receiving an SSO request from a partner service provider.
2019-05-20 15:33:54.005 -04:00 [DBG] SAML session state (cd35b3e1-2aa0-46b0-aede-dac7a1b9b164):
IdP state:

2019-05-20 15:33:54.010 -04:00 [ERR] Receiving an SSO request from a partner service provider has failed.
ComponentSpace.Saml2.Exceptions.SamlConfigurationException: A local identity provider is not configured.
at ComponentSpace.Saml2.Configuration.Resolver.SamlConfigurationResolver.GetLocalIdentityProviderConfigurationAsync(String configurationID)
at ComponentSpace.Saml2.SamlIdentityProvider.GetLocalIdpConfigurationAsync()
at ComponentSpace.Saml2.SamlIdentityProvider.ReceiveSsoAsync()

The original call to ISamlServiceProvider.InitiateSsoAsync uses the LocalServiceProviderConfiguration as you’re acting as the service provider.
The stack trace shows a call to ISamlIdentityProvider.ReceiveSsoAsync. This uses the LocalIdentityproviderConfiguration as you’re acting as the identity provider.
Did you mean to call ISamlServiceProvider.ReceiveSsoAsync instead of ISamlIdentityProvider.ReceiveSsoAsync?

ComponentSpace - 5/20/2019
The original call to ISamlServiceProvider.InitiateSsoAsync uses the LocalServiceProviderConfiguration as you're acting as the service provider.
The stack trace shows a call to ISamlIdentityProvider.ReceiveSsoAsync. This uses the LocalIdentityproviderConfiguration as you're acting as the identity provider.
Did you mean to call ISamlServiceProvider.ReceiveSsoAsync instead of ISamlIdentityProvider.ReceiveSsoAsync?

Yes - that was my issue. Thank you for catching that.

You’re welcome.