Using Sessions


I am not able to retrieve session value after receiving SSO in SP initiated SSO login. i am setting some Session value before initiating the SSO and after getting authenticated from the Idp and receiving SSO i am not getting the value in the session. Is there any alternate way of doing it using argument passing or some way using SAMLConfiguration.SSOSessionStore class load and save method. Any example will be highly appreciated.

Manish Kumar

SAML state is stored in the ASP.NET session. This is independent of any application state stored in the ASP.NET session.
Are you saying that the application state is being cleared after SSO?
This shouldn’t be the case and it’s not something we see with our example applications.
It would be very helpful if you could reproduce the problem using either our ExampleIdentityProvider or ExampleServiceProvider. Alternatively, if you can send a cut down version of your application, that would help. I would like to see the code and be able to reproduce the problem here. Please send any code etc zipped up to


Thanks for your quick response. I found out the issue was within my code. It got fixed now.

Manish Kumar

Thanks Manish. I’m glad you found the issue.