Unexpected SAMLConfigurationException

I have mentioned this before here that i do configure both the LocalServiceProvider and PartnerIdentityProvider programmatically.
But, SAML lib is trying to read the configuration from the ‘saml.config’ as you can see from the exception below file. Any idea?

Exception details:

MyApp.Controllers.AccountController | An error occured: ComponentSpace.SAML2.Exceptions.SAMLConfigurationException: The SAML configuration C:\inetpub\myapp\saml.config doesn’t exist.
at ComponentSpace.SAML2.Configuration.SAMLConfigurationFile.Load(String fileName)
at ComponentSpace.SAML2.SAMLController.Initialize()
at ComponentSpace.SAML2.InternalSAMLServiceProvider…ctor()
at MyApp.Controllers.AccountController.AssertionConsumerService() in C:\builds\work\ec3d4609ab539bfe\MyApp\Controllers\AccountController.cs:line 113


P.S: i could not repro the exception.

If configuration is set programmatically we don’t attempt to read saml.config.
The exception indicates for some reason we’re not seeing the setting of the configuration.
If you can reproduce the issue, please enable SAML trace and send the generated log file as an attachment to support@componentspace.com.
I also suggest setting the configuration once at application start-up rather than immediately prior to SAMLServiceProvider.InitiateSSO.

ComponentSpace - 5/10/2018
If configuration is set programmatically we don't attempt to read saml.config.
The exception indicates for some reason we're not seeing the setting of the configuration.
If you can reproduce the issue, please enable SAML trace and send the generated log file as an attachment to support@componentspace.com.
I also suggest setting the configuration once at application start-up rather than immediately prior to SAMLServiceProvider.InitiateSSO.

Okay, thanks.

You’re welcome.