Unable to run sample projects ExampleIdentityProvider and ExampleServiceProvider


I am evaluating ComponentSpace for SSO. I downloaded the sample projects and followed “SAML v2.0 Examples Guide” pdf to run ExampleIdentityProvider and ExampleServiceProvider. I extraced SAMLv20-evaluation.zip and opened ExamplesVS2017.sln. I modified solution properties to set stratup project, selected multiple startup projects and set action to start for both ExampleIdentityProvider and ExampleServiceProvider project.
Now, when I click Run (F5) in Visual studio, it is displaying error “This site can’t be reached The connection was reset.” for both the projects. Please have a look at screenshots below. Note: I haven’t done any changes to the code. Also I tried to browse https://localhost:44390/Default.aspx and https://localhost:44390/Login.aspx as well. But those are also displaying same error.

Please help me to run the sample projects.

What you’ve done is correct and these application should run in IIS Express without any issues.
Close any IIS Express instances as well as Visual Studio and try again.
Try a different browser in case it’s browser related.
Try creating a new ASP.NET project and seeing if you can browse to it over HTTPS.
Let me know what you find.

ComponentSpace - 6/7/2019
What you've done is correct and these application should run in IIS Express without any issues.
Close any IIS Express instances as well as Visual Studio and try again.
Try a different browser in case it's browser related.
Try creating a new ASP.NET project and seeing if you can browse to it over HTTPS.
Let me know what you find.

Thanks for replay.

I have removed https from projects and now it is working fine. I am able to login to WebForm projects.

Can you please share credentials for MVC projects as well? testuser and password it not working for MVC project. It requires email and password.

Removing HTTPS support shouldn’t be necessary. Perhaps there’s a configuration issue with your IIS Express support for HTTPS.
You can use the following to log into the MVC examples - johndoe@componentspace.com/P@ssw0rd
Alternatively, simply register your own user.