The X.509 certificate with find type FindBySubjectDistinguishedName could not be loaded

I’m seeing a strange problem and I am wondering if you can give me any suggestions on what the problem is. In my 2 test environments, I have a service provider initiated SSO and a test Identity provider. Same code in both environments and both were working fine until the certificate was updated on my dev and qa environments.
So I exported the public key on both dev and qa and updated it in the sample identity provider. The identity provider reads the partnercertificate by FileName

“PartnerCertificates”: [
“FileName”: “certificates/env_certificate.cer”


When I run on QA it work fine. When I run one DEV, I get the following error:
Error when calling initiateSSOAsync for partner DDIIDP error: The X.509 certificate with find type FindBySubjectDistinguishedName and value could not be loaded from the LocalMachine My X.509 store.

This error message implies that I am reading the certificate from the Local Store, but I am reading it from a file. Any ideas on what I can check? I verified that I updated the exported public key correctly…

Do you have a LocalCertificates where you specify the certificate by subject name?

If there’s still an issue, please enable SAML trace and send the generated log file as an email attachment to mentioning your forum post.

ComponentSpace - 1/8/2020
Do you have a LocalCertificates where you specify the certificate by subject name?

If there's still an issue, please enable SAML trace and send the generated log file as an email attachment to mentioning your forum post.

Ok - I finally figured out the problem. There was a typo in the "Issued To" portion of the certificate name so it was not finding the certificate by subject name......

Thanks for the update.