SLO cannot occur

Hi support,

Today I got email from componentspace update regarding SameSite. I tried using the sample code from componentspace its working fine in both SSO/SLP. But when I tried to implement into my previous successfully deployed SSO application but out of sudden I couldn’t initiate SLO anymore without changing on endpoint nor certificate. I got error in the log file but i couldn’t understand. Please kindly advise.

Kah Kin

Please contact If would help greatly if you could capture the network traffic using the browser developer tools, save this as an HAR file and include it as an email attachment.

ComponentSpace - 1/12/2020
Please contact If would help greatly if you could capture the network traffic using the browser developer tools, save this as an HAR file and include it as an email attachment.

Hi support,

I think I have found the root cause. I'm using a self-signed cert for https redirection but for some reason its still treating it as http as according to log file. I found similar problem from the forum, solving it by setting SessionIDDelegates.SecureSAMLCookie = false;

Kah Kin

Thanks for the update. Yes, that’s correct. We assume HTTPS transport and set the Secure cookie flag. HTTPS is the recommended transport. If you’re using HTTP then the Secure flag cannot be set (ie SessionIDDelegates.SecureSAMLCookie = false).