Sign Service Provider metadata

I export Service Provider medata via sample ExportMetadata it works good but I need sign metadata with SP certificate.

Do you have build in support for sign exported SP metadata ?

Thank you

You can use the SignSAML command line project to sign the SAML metadata. You’ll find this project under Examples\Signature.
For example:
SignSAML.exe -k sp.pfx -p password metadata.xml > signed-metadata.xml

ComponentSpace - Monday, September 5, 2016
You can use the SignSAML command line project to sign the SAML metadata. You'll find this project under Examples\Signature.
For example:
SignSAML.exe -k sp.pfx -p password metadata.xml > signed-metadata.xml


Thank you for quick response.

You’re welcome.
We will be enhancing SAML metadata import and export in a future release. This will make it easier to export your metadata including signing it.