Sharepoint and BV Commerce

Can we use the componentspace for Sharepoint -BVCommerce application Login

We do support SharePoint and have a number of customers who have successfully integrated with SharePoint 2007, 2010 and 2013.
I’m afraid we don’t have experience with BVCommerce.
As long as BVCommerce is SAML compliant there shouldn’t be any issues.
If you do run into any issues, please feel free to contact us for further assistance.

ComponentSpace - 3/11/2014
We do support SharePoint and have a number of customers who have successfully integrated with SharePoint 2007, 2010 and 2013.
I'm afraid we don't have experience with BVCommerce.
As long as BVCommerce is SAML compliant there shouldn't be any issues.
If you do run into any issues, please feel free to contact us for further assistance.

Do you have any pointers on How to implement SAML 2.0 in Sharepoint using ComponetSpace.

We can certainly assist with any questions about our product or SAML SSO in general but I’m afraid we have no experience with SharePoint.