Setup Customer Testing of Idp Configuration

I have been very happy with ComponentSpace as a product and the support in these forums, please keep it up. . . onto my question

I have a Service Provider where customers can self serve their own Idp configuration for an account through either MetaData import or by entering the configuration by hand. I would like to offer the customers a way to test their account’s Idp configuration before enabling it for all of their account users. Ideally, I would do this without losing the browser to the Idp’s SSO Url. Is there a way I can configure my Service Provider to handle this with Component Space? I am trying this using an SP-initiated login via SamlServiceProvider.InitiateSsoAsync. As result, the customer is taken away from the web app, to visit their Idp. Is there a way around this?

A couple ideas I had were . . .

1) Add a query string parameter to the SAML Callback Url that indicates it is test mode? Is that possible using an event?
2) Store a bit along the side the Idp configuration that indicates it is in "test mode and add logic to the Saml callback which handles cases differently where test mode is true.

I realize this is a general question and not 100% Component Space related. Any feedback or thoughts on how to implement this would be appreciated. Thanks in Advance.

Hi Charles,

Thank you for your kind words. They’re very much appreciated.

I don’t think there’s a way to allow customers to test their SSO setup without actually performing a test SSO. This means that control will pass to their IdP site. The SAML specification doesn’t include a mechanism to SSO that doesn’t involve the browser and passing control to the IdP.

Could SSO be initiated in a separate browser tab so it’s easy for them to get back to your configuration page?

For example, on your configuration page you could have a test button which opens a browser tab and then performs SP-initiated SSO in this separate tab.

ComponentSpace - 7/14/2020
Hi Charles,

Thank you for your kind words. They're very much appreciated.

I don't think there's a way to allow customers to test their SSO setup without actually performing a test SSO. This means that control will pass to their IdP site. The SAML specification doesn't include a mechanism to SSO that doesn't involve the browser and passing control to the IdP.

Could SSO be initiated in a separate browser tab so it's easy for them to get back to your configuration page?

For example, on your configuration page you could have a test button which opens a browser tab and then performs SP-initiated SSO in this separate tab.

Thanks for the quick feedback, I'll see if putting the SSO "test" in a new tab will satisfy our requirements. I think it should.

You’re welcome.