SAML-P 2.0 protocol support

I’ve tried to setup ComponentSpace 2.0 test application to work with Azure AD that uses SAML-P 2.0 and Azure AD login page ( always answers with “Sorry, but we’re having trouble signing you in.We received a bad request.” with no additional information.

Can you please confirm that SAML-P 2.0 (protocol, not the token format) is really supported? And how I should setup product to use it with Azure AD then?

I can confirm that we fully support the SAML specification including the SAML protocol specification.
We have a number of clients who have successfully interoperated with Azure AD and we’re working on Azure AD specific documentation.
I suggest taking a look at sections 10.3 and 10.4 of our Developer Guide which describe interoperability with ADFS and Office 365. This is not exactly the same but will provide some guidance.
If you run into any issues please contact us at for more specific assistance.

I’ve took a look, but sadly with no luck - always getting “Bad request” from Microsoft.
Really hope to see Azure AD specific documentation.

Please enable SAML trace and send the generated log file to mentioning this topic. Also include your saml.config.