saml.config validation errors

I’m getting an error “ComponentSpace.SAML2.Exceptions.SAMLSchemaValidationException: One or more configuration XML schema validation errors occurred.”
when calling SAMLIdentityProvider.InitiateSSO(Response, myId.ToString(), attributes, relayState, partnerName)

I ran ValidateConfig.exe with my saml.config file and I got “The SAML configuration was successfully validated.”
However, when I call InitiateSSO I get and exception. Exception has 0 Errors but 4 Warnings:
1. The element cannot contain white space. Content model is empty.
2. The element ‘urn:componentspace:SAML:2.0:configuration:IdentityProvider’ cannot contain child element ‘urn:componentspace:SAML:2.0:configuration:LocalCertificates’ because the parent element’s content model is empty.
3. The element cannot contain white space. Content model is empty.
4. The element ‘urn:componentspace:SAML:2.0:configuration:PartnerServiceProvider’ cannot contain child element ‘urn:componentspace:SAML:2.0:configuration:PartnerCertificates’ because the parent element’s content model is empty.

Both certificates are under Certificates folder just like in the Example solution
This is saml.config
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<IdentityProvider Name=“<a href=“https://MyIdentityProvider””>https://MyIdentityProvider" Description=“My Identity Provider”>

Description=“Core Health Service Provider”
AssertionConsumerServiceUrl=“<a href=“https://VendorAssertionService.aspx””>https://VendorAssertionService.aspx"

I also validated it against your schema in Visual Studio and got no errors.
Could you please advise what is wrong?
Appreciate it.

The SAML configuration looks good.

What version of the SAML library are you using when you get this exception?

ComponentSpace - 10/27/2022
The SAML configuration looks good.

What version of the SAML library are you using when you get this exception?


I was using licensed version 3.4. Now that you said this, I switched to 5.4 evaluation version and it worked.
I found old downloaded Example solution for 3.4, I'll use that instead. Or will see if we can get newer licensed dll. Thanks!

Thanks for the update. We introduced some minor but breaking changes to the configuration a while back, as you discovered.

Upgrading would be a good idea.

You’ll find the release notes at: