saml.config not read

we have a development setting, using SAML as a Service Provider, the Identifty Provider is AD FS configured on another machine. In order to connect to the server with the ADFS a vpn connection is running
My saml.config file, containing ServiceProvider and PartnerIdentityProvider information is inside the webproject root folder, the pfx file is present to und named in the config (password included).
I try to run the website on IIS Express, I created a virtual directory.
This same setting is working ok for my college, during development, the deployed version on our server is also working ok.

However when I start testing the page from visual studio I am running into a
{“No partner identity providers have been configured.”}
which occurs as SAMLServiceProvider.InitiateSSO(httpResp, null, null);

As I said the PartnerIdentityProvider is present in sam.config.
I enabled logging through web.config. When I compare my log
ComponentSpace.SAML2 Verbose: 0 : 18:20:47: ComponentSpace.SAML2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7c51d97b3a0a8ff9
ComponentSpace.SAML2 Verbose: 0 : 18:20:47: Initiating SSO to the partner identity provider .
ComponentSpace.SAML2 Verbose: 0 : 18:20:47: Service provider session (sk0x552jsuwmdxcq10mkdpwn) state:
ComponentSpace.SAML2 Verbose: 0 : 18:20:47: Exception: ComponentSpace.SAML2.Exceptions.SAMLException: No partner identity providers have been configured.

with the logs from our server I can see this part is missing in my logfile:
ComponentSpace.SAML2 Verbose: 0 : 9:24:03 AM: ComponentSpace.SAML2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7c51d97b3a0a8ff9 (evaluation license).
ComponentSpace.SAML2 Verbose: 0 : 9:24:03 AM: Loading the SAML configuration file C:\GT\DIS\saml.config.
ComponentSpace.SAML2 Verbose: 0 : 9:24:03 AM: The local service provider is ServiceProvider_LoginBySAML.
ComponentSpace.SAML2 Verbose: 0 : 9:24:03 AM: The partner identity provider http://adfs.test/adfs/services/trust has been added.
ComponentSpace.SAML2 Verbose: 0 : 9:24:03 AM: Loading the X.509 certificate from the file C:\GT\DIS\ADFSCertificate.pfx.
ComponentSpace.SAML2 Verbose: 0 : 9:24:03 AM: The X.509 certificate CN=adfs.test has been loaded.
ComponentSpace.SAML2 Verbose: 0 : 9:24:03 AM: SAML configuration changes in the directory C:\GT\DIS are being monitored.
ComponentSpace.SAML2 Verbose: 0 : 9:24:03 AM: The SAML configuration has been successfully loaded.
ComponentSpace.SAML2 Verbose: 0 : 9:24:03 AM: Initiating SSO to the partner identity provider .

What am I missing?
If I rename the saml.config file in the project, exactly the same exception occurs so I assume it is not read at all.
As I said, the same project is running at my work mate pc, as far as we can see with the same settings for IIS Express.
Please advice, this makes testing further development directly in dev environment impossible.

Thanks in advance

Hi Janet
You should see an entry in your log similar to:

Loading the SAML configuration file C:\GT\DIS\saml.config

As you’re not there must be some issue finding the saml.config file.
Please double check that the saml.config file resides in your application’s root directory.
If there’s still an issue, please contact us at mentioning this topic and including the entire log file as an email attachment.