Saml ADFS Claims conditional rule

I am using SAMLIdentityProvider.InitiateSSO to connect with a SAMLIdentityProvider.InitiateSSO.
It is working fine.
I have been asked to create a claims conditional rule against the providers SAML profileID.
I know that this is Microsoft terminology.
I am not sure how to implement this with Component space.

Any help is appreciated.
Thank you

Hi Uri,
I may not fully understand the question so please clarify if that’s the case.
Claims rules are configured in ADFS rather in your application.
Assuming ADFS is the IdP and your application is the SP, there will be one or more claim rules configured for your relying party in ADFS.
Our ADFS Relying Party Integration Guide explains how to setup claim rules in ADFS.
You’ll also find documentation from Microsoft on this subject.

ComponentSpace - 8/28/2019
Hi Uri,
I may not fully understand the question so please clarify if that's the case.
Claims rules are configured in ADFS rather in your application.
Assuming ADFS is the IdP and your application is the SP, there will be one or more claim rules configured for your relying party in ADFS.
Our ADFS Relying Party Integration Guide explains how to setup claim rules in ADFS.
You'll also find documentation from Microsoft on this subject.

Thank you for replying.
I will try to clarify.
I am the IdP and am using and am using SAMLIdentityProvider.InitiateSSO to connect with the SP.
The service provider uses ADFS.
SO that our first time sign-on user will seamlessly authenticate via SAML they have asked me to create a claims conditional rule against a specific SAML profileID.
Since I am not using ADFS I wanted to know if there is a way using ComponetSpace to accomplish the same thing.
I hope I have been more clear. (Since I am not to familiar with ADFS I am not sure what they want exactly.)

I’m sorry but I don’t know what they mean by a claims conditional rule.
Perhaps you should ask for some more details and an example of what they’re after.