Relationship between ReceiveSSO and SendSSO

In the high level API example, the SSOService endpoint looks like this:

Could this be split into two endpoints such that a redirect happens in order to send the SSO?

The idea behind it is that I need to store the partnerSP so that I can use it later. Like this:

However, if I put the partnerSP value into the session and the user doesn’t end up going to the SP but goes to another, the values in the Session won’t be correct. I’m wondering if I split things like this example here: if things would still work.

It looks fine to me.
There are no problems in making multiple redirects between calling SAMLIdentityProvider.ReceiveSSO and SAMLIdentityProvider.SendSSO.

ComponentSpace - 4/20/2017
It looks fine to me.
There are no problems in making multiple redirects between calling SAMLIdentityProvider.ReceiveSSO and SAMLIdentityProvider.SendSSO.

Thanks for the confirmation. Is something stored in some cache that identifies how to perform the SendSSO and to whom (what SP)? I'm curious what conditions would cause the SendSSO to not work correctly.

Yes, we store SAML SSO session information which includes the SP name so we know here to send the SAML response when you call SendSSO.
By default the SAML SSO session information is stored in the ASP.NET session.