
Hi ComponentSpace,

How can get out the actual authentication request when ReceivingSSO.

My Idp is low level API Web Form and i want to get out the authentication request and ssooption and store in ssostatesession.
The reason for doing this is because i want to use the already existing idp which supports my ASP .Net MVC application to support the .Net Core application.
I have been using the idp with no issues, where our MVC application is SP-inititated and there will like to get out the authentication request to support the other.

Any suggestion will help.

The following code demonstrates accessing the SAML authn request as part of the call to ReceiveSsoAsync.

_samlIdentityProvider.Events.OnAuthnRequestReceived += (authnRequest, relayState) =>
// TODO - access the authn request

// Receive the authn request from the service provider (SP-initiated SSO).
await _samlIdentityProvider.ReceiveSsoAsync();

ComponentSpace - 6/23/2020
The following code demonstrates accessing the SAML authn request as part of the call to ReceiveSsoAsync.

_samlIdentityProvider.Events.OnAuthnRequestReceived += (authnRequest, relayState) =>
// TODO - access the authn request

// Receive the authn request from the service provider (SP-initiated SSO).
await _samlIdentityProvider.ReceiveSsoAsync();


Thanks for your reponse. But i mentined that my idp is low-level api. Also this is componentspace v4.0

Do you mean SAML for ASP.NET? If so, I’ll move your question to the correct forum.

ComponentSpace - 6/23/2020
Do you mean SAML for ASP.NET? If so, I'll move your question to the correct forum.

Yes please

There isn’t a way to retrieve the SAML authn request when calling SAMLIdentityProvider.ReceiveSSO. If you need access to the authn request you will need to revert to the SAML low-level API. However, in most cases you don’t need access to the authn request.

I’m not sure if I understand your requirements.

Why do you need access to the SAML authn request at your IdP?