PHP WebSite As Service Provider

We are planning to use ‘ComponentSpace’ libraries across our enterprise applications to make them as SSO. We have a mixture of .NET and PHP based applications.
From the trial version managed to run the examples for .NET
Now the question is, how to handle SAML tokens when the target is PHP(Service Provider). On PHP side do we have to use any proprietary libraries that support this.
Will there be any Interop issues between IDP and Service Provider when IDP is ASP.NET and Service provider is PHP.


Hi Madhuri
Our libraries provide SAML SSO support for ASP.NET web applications.
For PHP, the recommended library is
We have many customers successfully interoperating with SimpleSAMLphp so there shouldn’t be any issues.
The key is to ensure our SAML configuration for the ASP.NET application and the SimpleSAMLphp configuration are correct.
If you run into any issues, you’re welcome to ask on this forum or contact support by email.