On ReceiveSSO getting the exception System.Security.Cryptography.CryptograhicException: Object was not found.

I am using ComponentSpace v2.8.8.0 for SAML v2 in .NET4. We are integrating SSO login on our Service Provider application using another Identity Provider application which uses ADFS.
On our Server having Windows 2008 R2, we see that an exception is thrown at the Line of ResceiveSSO in ASsertionConsumerService.aspx.
This same code works fine on my local machine Windows 10 Home. Can you please suggest me the correct solution for this problem. I looked for a solution at your forums but could not find any that matches my description.


Below is the exception details I am getting. (Please refer to the screenshot below)

Please suggest a solution for this error.


Cryptographic exceptions usually are associated with issues loading the certificate used to perform the XML signature verification or the XML signature verification itself.
By default ADFS sends SHA-256 signatures.
Windows 2008 R2 should support SHA-256 but please ensure it’s up to date with its service packs. We usually recommend Windows 2012 R2 or later.
Please enable SAML trace and send the generated log file as an email attachment to support@componentspace.com mentioning your forum post.

Thank you, it is working now.
As per your suggestion on mail, I replaced the attribute: UseEmbeddedCertificate=“true” with: PartnerCertificateFile=“Certificates\idp.cer” in saml.config file.


You’re welcome.
Thanks for the update.