Office 365 SSO

When integrating with Office 365 for SSO back to our IDP, what kind of SAML request Office 365 send (Artifact, Redirect, Post)?
I’m using IdentityProvider.ReceiveAuthnRequestByHTTPPost(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request, out authnRequestXml, out relayState); getting error saying Request is not Http Post
when using SAMLIdentityProvider.ReceiveSSO(Request, out partnerSP); error says no SAML configuration?

I have followed the steps shown in the document to get office 365 integration.
The URL coming from the server is :

This URl doesn’t contain any SamlRequest parameter? I have also checked the domain, It say its federated.
Any suggestions?


This appears to be a WS-Federation request rather than a SAML protocol message. WS-Federation and SAML both support SSO but they’re not interoperable. You would need to configure Office 365 to use SAML rather than WS-Federation.
When you configure Office 365, make sure to specify:
Set-MsolDomainAuthentication -PreferredAuthenticationProtocol SAMLP
Otherwise it defaults to WS-Federation.
Section 10.4 of our Developer Guide provides more information on setting up Office 365.