Nuget pkg installation of Licensed version

This issue is regarding the prior post on some issues I had when I loaded .dll ( Licensed version of ComponentSpace) as a direct assembly reference. Actually we would like to have Nuget pkg.

I am facing an issue when I deploy the code on the server. I tried with NuGet Package upgraded with licenses version on my local system, but when I publish it and deploy on the server, it is not working. It is throwing an error like ‘Cannot find compilation library location for package ‘ComponentSpace.Saml2’’.

Please suggest on how we can deploy licensed version DLLs on the server. Please note my project is in .NET Core 2.

I followed Installation guide, but am unsure on how to achieve this.

Can you please help.

You shouldn’t add this as a direct assembly reference.
Instead, as per our Installation Guide, you should add a local package source in the Visual Studio Package Manager that specifies the location of the ComponentSpace.Saml2 NuGet package file on the file system.
Then add the package to your project using the Visual Studio Package Manager.
In the Visual Studio Solution Explorer, if you expand the tree to show your project’s dependencies, ComponentSpace.Saml2 should appear under Dependencies/NuGet.

ComponentSpace - 9/12/2018
You shouldn't add this as a direct assembly reference.
Instead, as per our Installation Guide, you should add a local package source in the Visual Studio Package Manager that specifies the location of the ComponentSpace.Saml2 NuGet package file on the file system.
Then add the package to your project using the Visual Studio Package Manager.
In the Visual Studio Solution Explorer, if you expand the tree to show your project's dependencies, ComponentSpace.Saml2 should appear under Dependencies/NuGet.

We are having similar challenges as well when deploying our application. Our current CI/CD is using Azure pipelines and the agent is downloading everything each time a pipeline runs. In the nuget.config, we can only specify source and not specify where to look for an individual package to ensure it looks at the local source for ComponentSpace and nuget servers for anything else we need.

The package name of the evaluation version of the product is “ComponentSpace.Saml2”. This is available at and potentially via a local source.
The package name of the licensed version of the product is “ComponentSpace.Saml2.Licensed”. This is not available at and you need to specify a local source.
The package manager won’t find “ComponentSpace.Saml2.Licensed” at but should find it at the local source you configured.
You don’t need to specify the source for an individual package as there’s only one source where it will be found.
Let me know if there’s still an issue.

ComponentSpace - 9/12/2018
You shouldn't add this as a direct assembly reference.
Instead, as per our Installation Guide, you should add a local package source in the Visual Studio Package Manager that specifies the location of the ComponentSpace.Saml2 NuGet package file on the file system.
Then add the package to your project using the Visual Studio Package Manager.
In the Visual Studio Solution Explorer, if you expand the tree to show your project's dependencies, ComponentSpace.Saml2 should appear under Dependencies/NuGet.

We are having similar challenges as well when deploying our application. Our current CI/CD is using Azure pipelines and the agent is downloading everything each time a pipeline runs. In the nuget.config, we can only specify source and not specify where to look for an individual package to ensure it looks at the local source for ComponentSpace and nuget servers for anything else we need.

I had the same problem using Azure Dev Ops. The problem is the command line dotnet nuget restore command doesn't honor relative paths correctly like Visual Studio does. This issue is documented here:

Here is my work-around:

Thank you for the information and links.

ComponentSpace - 9/12/2018
You shouldn't add this as a direct assembly reference.
Instead, as per our Installation Guide, you should add a local package source in the Visual Studio Package Manager that specifies the location of the ComponentSpace.Saml2 NuGet package file on the file system.
Then add the package to your project using the Visual Studio Package Manager.
In the Visual Studio Solution Explorer, if you expand the tree to show your project's dependencies, ComponentSpace.Saml2 should appear under Dependencies/NuGet.

I'm having a similar issue. I have had a look at your guidelines and they aren't very detailed on this.
When you say create a local package source do you mean a company specific within Azure feed that contains the ComponentSpace library?
If I create something on my local file system the Azure pipelines won't pick that up.
Do you have an any further information on how this is achieved?
Many thanks

Hi Lee,

“Local” as in something you set up for your build environment. The site can’t be used as this has the evaluation version of the package. You need a package source accessible to your build environment that contains the licensed package.

For Azure DevOps, you have the option of using Azure Artifacts to set up a private feed for the package.