Need help "instantiating" SAMLServiceProvider

I am adding a small SSO SP → IDP (MVC Area) into our existing ASP.NET application. We already have ComponentSpace.SAML2 implemented as a SSOService for a different client so the references/NuGet package already exists within the entire project. When trying to call SAMLServiceProvider.InitiateSLO(Response, null, null, partnerIdP) in my home controller I am receiving an error "The name ‘SAMLServiceProvider’ does not exist in the current context. I’ve verified the nuget is in my packages.config file and I’m seeing the reference in my project. Any advice how to resolve???

Kpow - 10/18/2016
I am adding a small SSO SP -> IDP (MVC Area) into our existing ASP.NET application. We already have ComponentSpace.SAML2 implemented as a SSOService for a different client so the references/NuGet package already exists within the entire project. When trying to call SAMLServiceProvider.InitiateSLO(Response, null, null, partnerIdP) in my home controller I am receiving an error "The name 'SAMLServiceProvider' does not exist in the current context. I've verified the nuget is in my packages.config file and I'm seeing the reference in my project. Any advice how to resolve???

.NET Framework 4.5.2
ComponentSpace.SAML2 2.3.0 (updating to did not help resolve)

The SAMLServiceProvider class is part of the SAML high-level API introduced in 2013. You need v2.5.0.0 or higher.
If you have an earlier version then you’re using what’s now referred to as the low-level API.
You’re welcome to email us if you’d like to upgrade to the latest version of the product.