Issues storing tenant(s) configuration on database

We are trying to move configuration from json file to database. We always obtain “The partner identity provider is not configured”.
We have not found usefull informations on documentation, trying to understand what we make wrong we noted in the debug console the query above, with a “WHERE 0 = 1” where the partneridentity table is joined. This debug information have been confirmed with a profiler session
We guess we are making something wrong, but we can’t undestand our mistake.
Thks in advance,

We ship a ComponentSpace.Saml2.Configuration.Database NuGet package which implements the ISamlConfigurationResolver interface and stores SAML configuration in an Entity Framework database.

This is documented under the SAML Database Configuration Resolver section of the Configuration Guide.

Of course, you’re free to implement the ISamlConfigurationResolver interface and store the SAML configuration in a relational database etc.

The “partner identity provider is not configured” error means the partner identified by its name is not part of the SAML configuration.

I suggest trying to determine why a query for a partner identity provider configuration specified by its name is failing.