Idp Initiated SSO + HTTP POST

We are currently encountering an issue while attempting to configure the SingleSignOnServiceBinding attribute within our SAML configuration file for ComponentSpace.SAML2 (version 3.3.0). Despite our efforts to include this attribute in both the PartnerServiceProvider and IdentityProvider sections of the configuration file, we consistently encounter the following error:

The ‘SingleSignOnServiceBinding’ attribute is not declared.

We are specifically trying to enable IdP-initiated SSO using HTTP POST binding. We have referenced the ComponentSpace.SAML2 documentation but have been unable to find a solution within the provided resources.

Here is a snippet of our current SAML configuration:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<PartnerServiceProvider Name="https://testSingleSignon"
                        Description="Single Signon"

C# MVC 5.0

var userName = User.Identity.Name;

        var attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        attributes.Add("Username", "test");
        attributes.Add("Email", "");
        attributes.Add("DisplayName", "Van, J");

        var partnerName = "https://testSingleSignon";
        var relayState = returnUrl;

        SAMLIdentityProvider.InitiateSSO(Response, userName, attributes, relayState, partnerName);

Could you please provide guidance on how we can correctly configure the SingleSignOnServiceBinding attribute for our desired use case? If direct configuration is not possible, could you provide instructions on how to achieve IdP-initiated SSO with HTTP POST binding using low level api of the ComponentSpace.SAML2 library programmatically?

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your prompt response and assistance.

As the identity provider, both the HTTP-Redirect and HTTP-Post bindings are supported by default for receiving SAML authn requests. No configuration is required to specify this. This is for SP-initiated SSO.

For both SP-initiated and IdP-initiated SSO, the SAML response is sent using HTTP-Post. No configuration is required to specify this. The call to SAMLIdentityProvider.InitiateSSO will send the SAML response using HTTP-Post.

The SingleSignOnServiceBinding attribute is part of the configuration when acting as the service provider. It specifies which binding to use when sending a SAML authn request to the partner identity provider.