HTTP Post SAML token

I’m new to this. I just finished creating the project from us the IDP to the service provider but when we try the SSO, it gives a user not found error. The SP has asked that I send the token using an HTTP Post parameter named “token4saml”. I’m thinking I need to make the change in the code below. Please let me know how I can accomplish this. Thanks

var responseContent = String.Format(“<html xmlns="”“>">”
+ “<body onload="document.forms.samlform.submit()">”
+ “

Note: Since your browser does not support Javascript, you must press the Continue button once to proceed.

+ “<form id="samlform" action="{0}" method="post">”
+ “

+ “<input type="hidden" name="SAMLResponse" value="{1}" />”
+ “<input type="hidden" name="RelayState" value="" />”
+ “
<input type="submit" value="Continue" />

+ “”
+ “”
+ “”, partner.AssertionConsumerServiceUrl, saml);

I would strongly recommend not using a non-standard parameter like token4saml.
You are much better to stick to the SAMLspecification otherwise you will run into interoperability issues.
The standard parameter name is “SAMLResponse” which is what we use.
I suggest going back to the SP and checking that they comply with the SAML specification and use SAMLResponse and not token4saml.