How to send entered email addr/username to IdP

I have tried to send email addr/username as is following when initiating the SSO login

var ssoOptions = new SSOOptions { RequestedUserName = “” };
SAMLServiceProvider.InitiateSSO(Response, null, "<a href=“",">”, ssoOptions);

but it didnt work as i expected, result was :

How can i solve this issue?


Sending the user name in the SAML authn request is part of the SAML specification but it’s not something that’s commonly done or supported.
I suspect Okta doesn’t support this feature.
You should ask Okta support whether they will use the SAML subject name identifier included in the SAML authn request as the user name at their login prompt and, if not, whether there’s another way for the service provider to supply the user name.
Please report back what they say.

ComponentSpace - 3/16/2018
Sending the user name in the SAML authn request is part of the SAML specification but it's not something that's commonly done or supported.
I suspect Okta doesn't support this feature.
You should ask Okta support whether they will use the SAML subject name identifier included in the SAML authn request as the user name at their login prompt and, if not, whether there's another way for the service provider to supply the user name.
Please report back what they say.

Yes, Okta doesn't support this feature.

Thanks for the confirmation.