Hi Team,
I have a problem when trying to migrate your library from a customer’s project from .Net 4.7 to .NetCore 6.
There is a step that will verify the certificate signature, and I got an exception: “Failed to verify the XML signature” in .Net6. But it still works well in project with .Net 4.7 without any problems.
I tried to debug both projects and saw some differences that I think may cause this issue. There are some differences in the key exchange algorithm.
So, here is the picture describing an issue that I got:
My question is, this is the issue that why I got an exception, or do I need to re-implement the source code with the newer version of ComponentSpace library for .Net Core to get the support?
ComponenSpace version: (Runtime version) v4.0.30319 and (version) with lisence.
Please reply to me ASAP.
Many Thanks!
We don’t support using the SAML for ASP.NET library with .NET 6. Instead, you should use SAML for ASP.NET Core. This product includes .NET 6 example projects.