ExportMetadata Error

As a part of evaluation we are testing an ASP.net MVC IDP integrating with a Drupal Service Provider.
The client(service provider) requested a metadata file for the IDP.
I used below SAML config file to export the metadata file.
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<IdentityProvider Name=“<a href=“http://localhost/MvcExampleIdentityProvider””>http://localhost/MvcExampleIdentityProvider"
Description=“MVC Example Identity Provider”

<PartnerServiceProvider Name=“<a href=“http://xxxxxxx””>http://xxxxxxx"
SignatureMethod=“<a href=“http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"”>http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1

I used below command line params:
ExportMetadata.exe http://localhost/MvcExampleIdentityProvider TestMetaData.xml

It throws below error:
Loading SAML configuration file saml.config.
ComponentSpace.SAML2.Exceptions.SAMLConfigurationException: The partner service
provider http://localhost/MvcExampleIdentityProvider is not configured.
at ComponentSpace.SAML2.Configuration.SAMLConfiguration.GetPartnerServiceProv
ider(String name) in C:\Sandboxes\ComponentSpace\SAMLv20\Library\Configuration\S
AMLConfiguration.cs:line 242
at ComponentSpace.SAML2.Configuration.MetadataExporter.Export(SAMLConfigurati
on samlConfiguration, String partnerName) in C:\Sandboxes\ComponentSpace\SAMLv20
\Library\Configuration\MetadataExporter.cs:line 65
at ExportMetadata.Program.Main(String[] args) in c:\Program Files\ComponentSp
ace SAML v2.0 for .NET\Examples\Metadata\ExportMetadata\Program.cs:line 74

Any thoughts please?

The usage is:
In your instance it would be:
ExportMetadata.exe http://xxxxxxx metadata.xml
Please note that the generated metadata will have some TO-DO instructions.
You need to supply absolute URLs for your endpoints as this information isn’t available in the saml.config file.

ComponentSpace - Wednesday, July 27, 2016
The usage is:
In your instance it would be:
ExportMetadata.exe http://xxxxxxx metadata.xml
Please note that the generated metadata will have some TO-DO instructions.
You need to supply absolute URLs for your endpoints as this information isn't available in the saml.config file.


Thanks for the swift response. That worked.

You’re welcome.