Export Metadata fails

I’m trying to export our metadata for our partner but the ExportMetadata command-line application crashed when I specify the location of my saml.config file. Honestly I just need to figure out how to get the value of the X509 certificate field, the rest of it is easy copy-and-paste. Any suggestions?

It shouldn’t crash.
What was the stack trace of the exception?
If your private key is stored in the Windows certificate store, use the Microsoft Management Console Certificates snap-in to export it as a base-64 CER file.

ComponentSpace - 3/18/2019
It shouldn't crash.
What was the stack trace of the exception?
If your private key is stored in the Windows certificate store, use the Microsoft Management Console Certificates snap-in to export it as a base-64 CER file.

ComponentSpace.SAML2.Exceptions.SAMLSchemaValidationException: One of more configuration XML schema validation errors occurred.
at ComponentSpace.SAML2.Configuration.SchemaValidator.ValidateConfiguration(XmlDocument xmlDocument)
at ComponentSpace.SAML2.Configuration.SAMLConfigurationFile.Load(String fileName)
at ExportMetaData.Program.LoadSAMLConfiguratino() in C:\ComponentSpace\SAML for .NET\Examples\Metadata\Program.cs:line 33
at ExportMetadata.Program.Main(String() args) in C:\ComponentSpace\SAML for .NET\Examples\Metadata\ExportMetadata\Program.cs:line 132

This indicates the saml.config file you specified doesn’t validate against the XML schema defining the SAML configuration.
The ValidateConfig console application in the Examples\Configuration folder will provide more details.
Once the saml.config file is valid, you should be able to export it as SAML metadata.

Thank you, that helped. I was able to find the errors and fix them.

You’re welcome.