Empty form action attribute on our test server

I have an IdP driven SSO configuration working on our sandbox/development server. It is correctly creating the SAML token and navigating to the target website.

When I put this code and the same configuration onto our test server, the only difference in the samlform is that the ‘action’ attribute is missing. This causes the browser to simply navigate back to the same address instead of transferring to the new website.

What SAML parameters/attribute contribute to the samlform action attribute? Is it just the AssertionConsumerURL? Or is there other factors that might need to be looked at?

This is C#, .Net 3.5 running on IIS7.

Thank you.

The action attribute in the SAML form is set to the service provider’s assertion consumer service URL.
I’m not sure why the action attribute would be missing when running on your test server.
Please enable SAML trace and send the generated log file as an email attachment to support@componentspace.com mentioning your forum post.