Does ComponentSpace can be used to be implement federated authentication


we are implementing the solution is Sitecore 8.2 and requires to implement the federated authentication using Aouth2.0. Does ComponentSpace can be used for achieving it.

We support SAML SSO which is the most popular federated single sign-on protocol between enterprises.
We don’t currently support OAuth2.
My understanding is that later releases of SiteCore support SAML so you might want to look at that option.

ComponentSpace - 2/26/2018
We support SAML SSO which is the most popular federated single sign-on protocol between enterprises.
We don't currently support OAuth2.
My understanding is that later releases of SiteCore support SAML so you might want to look at that option.

The version we are using does not support SAML and client is looking for Aouth 2 only

Ok, sorry we can’t help.