DatabaseSSOSessionStore missing?


I’m setting up a multi-tenancy SSO (right now two customers as IP). Reading the docs I can see that I need a session store when I run more than one configuration (worked good without session store running with only one config). The docs mention the DatabaseSSOSessionStore (I can’t use ASP.NET session due to web farms), but I can’t resolve that class and it seems not to exist in the assembly for ComponentSpace.SAML2? Where can I find it? Tried to implement my own session store, but the interface and how it works make no sense for me. Can I get hold of the DatabaseSSOSessionStore anywhere or get help to implement a custom one?

Best regards

Hi Simon
You’ll find the DatabaseSSOSessionStore under the ComponentSpace.SAML2.Data namespace.
The DatabaseSSOSessionStore is one way to support web farm configurations. It’s not specific to multi-tenancy configurations. If you had a multi-tenancy application deployed to a single server then you wouldn’t need a central SSO session store. Conversely, if you had a single-tenancy application deployed to a web farm then you would need a central SSO session store.
ASP.NET sessions may be used as long as the provider is a database (eg sessionState mode=“SQLServer”) rather than in-memory.
They may also be used if there’s a load balancer implementing sticky sessions.
If neither is the case then the DatabaseSSOSessionStore may be used to implement storage of SSO session state in a centralized database.
Our SAML Developer Guide has more information on using the DatabaseSSOSessionStore.


ASP.NET sessions is not allowed as an option for me so the DatabaseSSOSessionStore is the solution for me as I see. See the attached screenshots, because I really can’t find that class. For information, I’m using a purchased version of the component (so not the trial), we purchased it 2014-09-23, could it be that this release did not include the DatabaseSSOSessionStore?

Best regards

Autocomplete of the ComponentSpace.SAML2.Data namespace:

Listing the contents of the assembly in Visual Studio:

That is the case. Please contact us at