Connecting to Salesforce via SAML

I am trying to get set up with an IdP using Salesforce. I’ve given them my metadata file and they have sent back an error message with the following information:

"Unable to accept request to address ‘address’ because the component required to process the request was not correctly configured or could not be initialized. … etc and so forth

FBTSML253E The SAML2.ValidateKeyIdentifier property is missing from the provider ‘ProviderName’ and display name ‘ProviderName’ configuration for federation group with ID ‘uuid’ and display name ‘salesforce’

is this something on my end? I looked through all the documentation and samples and could not find that property name.

Hi Matt,
This looks like a message from the IBM SAML product rather than Salesforce. I’m not sure what the error message is trying to say.
You’re welcome to send your metadata file to and we can take a look to make sure it looks ok.
Otherwise, I think you need to ask the IdP for more specific information.

ComponentSpace - 9/4/2019
Hi Matt,
This looks like a message from the IBM SAML product rather than Salesforce. I'm not sure what the error message is trying to say.
You're welcome to send your metadata file to and we can take a look to make sure it looks ok.
Otherwise, I think you need to ask the IdP for more specific information.


OK, will do, thanks!

You’re welcome.