ADFS authentication

We recently purchased The SAML for ASP.NET componenfor SSO needs with Sp initiated scenario :

  • IDP : ADFS
  • SP : a web APP with ComponentSpace
It works well with WIA when internal users try to access a WebApplication and are directly logged in. But external users (not in the domain) are redirected to default ADFS authentication form.
Is there a way to detect this adfs behaviour ? the purpose is to redirect external users to another login page (not default adfs one).

Thank you in advance

The authentication methods are configured in ADFS.
I’m not sure if it’s possible to detect this ADFS behaviour but I suspect not.
You can customize the ADFS default forms authentication page.

ComponentSpace - 4/16/2019
The authentication methods are configured in ADFS.
I'm not sure if it's possible to detect this ADFS behaviour but I suspect not.
You can customize the ADFS default forms authentication page.


okay, we will try using the onload.js to redirect external users..

You’re welcome.
You could also try contacting Microsoft if you need assistance with advanced ADFS configuration.